The Shadow of the Wind by Carlos Ruiz Zafon

This is my favorite book of all time. It is by no means a difficult read; you could get through it in a few hours. I think I love it so much because I stumbled across it in a bookstore one time and picked it up because it sounded interesting. Nobody had hyped it up to me. I hadn’t seen it on a million “Must-Read Books of the Year” lists.

It is also possible that I love it so much because it’s a book about books. But it’s so much more than that. It’s a bildungsroman too. And a mystery. And a love story. And…listen, just please go read it.

At this point, I own at least 5 copies (the original one I bought, one my husband picked up, a French version, a special edition signed copy, and another one we bought to let people borrow). So when I say that I love this book, I mean it.

I try to re-read it at least once year and just finished it for the sixth or seventh time this morning. The characters are like old friends at this point and I never tire of feeling like I’m in Barcelona with them.

I’m not going to say anything else, because I hope that I’ve piqued your curiosity. So please, if you haven’t read this book yet, go buy it or borrow it as soon as you can.

Also, here’s a photo of that special edition copy I mentioned above (I love it so much):

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